Impressionist E. J. Paprocki, who joined the gallery in 2020, recently visited Martha’s Vineyard to paint “en plein air” or in the open air. It was his first visit to Martha’s Vineyard, and he promises it will not be his last! “Martha’s Vineyard was, in a word, inspiring. Never have all the visual elements I like to incorporate into my paintings come together in a single location. No editing was needed – I painted what I experienced.”

E. J. was born in Chicago, where he still lives today with his wife and two sons. He began painting at an early age, and when older, would travel with his dad to New York City, where he would set up his easel and paint the scenes of the lively metropolis. A major gallery accepted E. J.’s paintings when he was 21 years old. Since then, he has traveled extensively, including Brittany, Bruges, Paris, the Irish Coast, Italy, Spain, and Austria. It is his love of travel where he finds creative compositions for his paintings.
And as we know, Martha’s Vineyard has endless inspiration for artists. “I enjoyed painting everything; Edgartown, with its pristine streets and meticulous gardens, as well as the rugged, atmospheric feel of Menemsha and the quiet lighthouse views. Finding so many paintable subjects in proximity allowed me to work from early morning to dusk with nary a struggle. The brush did the work, and I came along for the beautiful ride.”

The weather, unsettled at times, did not deter E. J. from heading out every day with his easel and paints. “There was a bit of rain and cloud cover, which was an asset. It allowed me to capture an array of colors and values I would not have been able to explore in blazing sunshine. Even cloudy and foggy days are beautiful, and if painted accurately and with affection, viewers will feel the truth and sincerity in them.”
“I will most definitely be back and am honored to be exhibiting at The Christina Gallery!”

To view E. J.’s entire collection in the gallery please click here.